Sunday, September 25, 2016

Crossing the threshold

I had a great week but the end of the week was even better. I was gone all week for work, and I am so glad to be back home. I love it here. I really am a homebody. 
It was really nice last night to talk to Skjelse for so long. It was so nice to hear such a positive outlook regardless of the circumstances. Sometimes we just have to be grateful IN our circumstances. 
While I was away I was able to get a bunch of Belgian chocolate from the factory close by our work there. It's the factory blems that I get but they are delicious. We have to be careful to eat it slowly!
While headed out to a dinner we stopped at the American cemetery monument at Henri-Chappell. As we walked toward the burial grounds we went through a pillar and roof section and when we crossed the threshold the most remarkable spirit washed over me. It was so unexpected and so powerful. It was a sacred experience to reflect upon the nearly 8,000 dead buried there, and the additional nearly 5,000 that are missing in action that are engraved on the pillars. 

I even found one with the spelling like Skjelse for their last name. 

I didn't expect it to be much of a stop, but it had a very sacred feel and the way they kept the grounds was remarkable. What care they give it in respect for the fallen buried there. It was impeccable.  
We had a nice time doing a garage sale for Larry Scott. Not really a sale, it was a giveaway. So I spent my time trying to get people to take more stuff. It was funny. Tons of things from the 60's, 70's and 80's. Some seriously vintage stuff. We got people who wanted about 2/3 of it and then took the rest to goodwill. We also earmarked the value of it for the refugees in the area.  
I got to have a home cooked Italian meal when I was over in Europe. I work with Enrico Fracarri and he invited me over. I had asked him in the past what they really eat on a normal day. So we made the meal for me. It was wonderful. He, his wife and Matteo their baby. We had pasta with a tomato sauce with bacon and onion that tasted very different but really good. Then this dish (with picture) which I forgot the name but was really good. Thin cut veal topped with prosciutto and basil. The they fry it from one side, then just enough on the other to crispy it up good. It was wonderful.

 I learned in Italy they always have the correct order of dishes, and they do one dish at a time. Not all on the plate like we do. But do the pasta first, then meat, then salad, then sweet. Not necessarily all required, but in that order. It was very nice. 
I had a wonderful Sunday with great councils to help with direction and decisions. Bishopric, Ward council, and bishops youth council. All were really good today with open discussion and lots of input. I really like it when many will share their insight and viewpoints before we make decisions. We also had the primary program today. It's always a pleasure and fun to witness. I had to give closing remarks which I expected to be super short because I thought they would be way over. But they ended 15 minutes early. Scramble!!!  I took up about 5 or so on the spot but then just let us end early. But a really nice day. 
Love you forever,
3 John 1:4 (I got to use that in an interview today:))

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Underlying Doctrine

I have pondered recently and seen come up multiple times this week, how so many things in life are misunderstood, become challenging, cause frustration or disappointment, harbor hurt, cause doubt and overall create strife that could be resolved when an underlying doctrine, clearly understood, would help to resolve the question, or help to ride through the challenge. For example many discussions I listened to this week were about the primary and how some love it, and others feel isolated, some challenged and feel disconnected etc.  how some feel like they need a break from kids and don't want to be around them. If we all had a better understanding of the underlying doctrine of the family, and the realization deep in our hearts that we are here to become fathers and mothers, then the hard feelings would not appear because we would find joy in the eternal roles of father and mother and relish in the opportunity to be in that role. 
It struck me how we constantly are admonished to teach the doctrine and how it links with what I just described. If we teach the doctrine, it will be more understood. When it is understood challenges and difficulties become lessened and we ride through them with an eternal perspective since we know the doctrine. It is like at work. We can treat symptoms all day, we can try to overcome issues, but until we get to root cause, all we do is chase ghosts. They appear and reappear as fast as we think we get to them. But when root cause is identified and treats, then the issues are eliminated and we move to other things. 
Learn and teach the doctrine. It will serve yourself and others now and forever. 
I had an epic fail in trying to serve and surprise mom. Lys and I drove for a few hours down into the countryside east of Cincinnati to buy a replacement truck bed to fix the rust on the one we have. I found a great deal for a reasonable bed. Then I negotiated a body shop to fix the small issues, paint it to match and even remove the old and install the new one. I was supposed to get the bed, take it to the shop, and next week it would be done and mom would not have to see it at all. All the arrangements were lined up, perfect!  
Then we stopped at home for a few hours until I could take it to the body shop and get Ty to pick me up ( he was at the music conference ). I got anxious and went to check the AC clutch bearing that was causing more and more noise. So I decided to pull it, and if it really was bad I could get a new one and get it all fixed and have the AC working right. Well, in pulling the clutch pulley off the pulls actually came off the bearing instead of the bearing coming off the shaft. So now I have a bearing that is pressed into the shaft, with a clutch coil around it that is help in place by a snap ring that is behind the bearing that is stuck. So I have no option. It's dead. And I have to order a new compressor, orifice, and receiver/dryer. And the truck can't run because the belt is off. So I am dead in the water. And mom sees the truck in all its glory!  And it will be like that for a week while I get the parts. Such a great try though!

Love you all forever, 
3 John 1:4

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Self Analysis

Wow have I had that point driven home today. As I have talked with and counseled with different people, I have sure seen that when people are honest, and when they open up, they are quite perfect at self analysis and able to determine for themselves the things they need most to do. Either they come to talk because they know they need to change, or when talking anyway, they come up with the things they need most to do to help them get where they want to go. It's amazing how they can analyze self so well when they open up and are honest with themselves. To excruciating detail.  I am able to just encourage and support but they make their own path forward. 
I was also struck today by how much others seem to fight against what the church tries to do when all we are trying to do is help others and encourage all to come unto Christ and live up to the privileges available to all as we qualify for them. But many spend significant energy and time fighting against it. When I think someone or something else is way off the mark, I give them no time or mindshare. I go on with that which is most important. It has been so for long periods of history that fighting against that which is right consumes some while those who are just trying to do their best quietly move along and try to better themselves. As I have said before, too often we focus on improving others and serving ourselves instead of serving others and improving ourselves. How wonderful would the world be if we all did the latter?
While listening to a talk this week I was struck again by the way the power in the priesthood is exercised by women and men alike, and only by being together to complete one another can we really live up to all in store for us. An eternal partnership that is wonderful now and forever. If we form it under the proper authority and live worthy of those promises. 
Remember daily the qualification to enter the temple and never let them out of your sight as you go through your day. They will keep you happy and progressing forward. There is so much to be learned there and I am just beginning to realize how much more there is for me to learn. 
Love you all forever, have a great Labor Day tomorrow. 
3 John 1:4

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Have I done any good in the world today?

We have been singing that this week and it makes you reflect on what you do each day. Are we helping some one in need?  Have we cheered up the sad?  
It has been an interesting weekend. Today when I got home I learned that Pete, our next door neighbor. Passed away this morning. Audrey is very sad. He was so fun to know and amazing to watch. I feel for her and the difficulty she is dealing with. I hope we always can have charity for those in hard times. 
Saturday was also interesting. We went to the baptism of a new convert. She is in a wheelchair and has little to no use of the left side of her body. She has loved the message of the doctrine of Christ and has changed her life to prepare. I was blessed to perform the baptism and it was a challenge but a great experience. And today we confirmed her in church and it started off a remarkable sacrament meeting. It really was a great day. We take much for granted about what we know about the great plan of happiness and yet it is treasured by those who learn of it now. 
After the baptism we took a sister back to the assisted living place and helped her get back in. We found that the facility was not addressing the problem in her bathroom where there are plumbing leaks above and the ceiling, light fixture etc had fallen down. Mom and I fixed the light, picked up all the ceiling tiles, and mom washed and dried all the towels she had on the floor to catch all the dripping water. But the place still had no one coming to fix the issue. It's a sad state. But we did what we could and she was so appreciative. It's amazing that she also is illiterate and yet tried to write mom and I a note today to say thanks. She gave us a picture colored by her from a Disney child's coloring book. 
Please realize how blessed you are to have what you do. Give thanks to God for the knowledge, learning, bodies, and health we have. We really do have so much. 
We have another sister missionary going home this week from our Ward. As the finish up here I keep trying to help them focus on finishing well and giving full proof of their ministry. So we will have a shared sister for a week until formal transfers. 
Work continues to be a real challenge. There is so much going on, and so little time to do it all. I did get the new manager in place so transitions will begin soon. That will help. It's amazing how the coaching and leadership at work are so intertwined in the ways that the bishop guides. I work with people to help them rise to their best, and by so doing, accomplish more that if I tried to do it on my own. And I also try not to own their problems, but to help them work through the issues so they can emerge stronger than before. In both places it's about helping people become more, not just do. It's so nice to be able to learn in both circumstances and then use that in each place as I work each day of the week. 
The more I live the more I see the patterns that last, those that really affect lives, are wrapped in the great gospel plan. I hope you see that in your life. 
Love your forever, really. 
3 John 1:4

So the lady we helped with her bathroom took the time to share a thank you with us. Please be grateful for the education gift you have all been given. This was a lot of work for her. 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Always good to be found

No matter what we do or go through, we always find good in what is around us. 
At work there has been so much that has been challenging, including some very pointed statements that were down on our work, but among that also was some good found of excitement for some of the amazing things we are doing and that we actually really did what the customer was looking for. Good among the hard. 
During today's discussions we also had some very deep and challenging questions that people are searching for answers but not finding them at this time. But among the hard there were amazing insights of learning that further the understanding we have of gospel principles that help us understand eternity. And since I have found answers to my questions of many years, my understanding of that question not only got answered, but since then it has expanded so immensely that it goes well beyond my imagination that I had when I was pondering my question. 
It brings to mind Isaiah 55. My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. When put into eternal context, His plan always exceeds what we could think of in our finite mind. It's embarrassing really (Kieren, that's for you!). 
It really has been a great week. I worked on cleaning and washing and waxing the cars with Ty, and they look great. We also had to fix a lug stud and nut on Buzz that was not in the plan, but turned out to be not too bad. It has been such a great car. We looked it up and found we have had it for almost 5 years now and it has been a great car. What a blessing. 
The best part about yesterday was just being able to sit around with mom and do next to nothing. Seemingly a waste, but it was cherished time for me. She is worth it all. 
Love you forever,
3 John 1:4

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Through a handful of experiences I have had recently had I have come to see even more vividly the fact that love comes from God, and anything we are enticed to do that is good comes from God also. It's a clear way to tell if we have the light of Christ acting in our life if we extend love, feel love, and want the best for others around us. Holding any malice, ill will, bad feelings or anger does no good and certainly comes from satan and not from God. In our lives if we seek to cultivate Christlike attributes we will align so well that peace, joy, happiness, success, and goodness will emanate from us and lead us to be more influential to others around us and improve the society in which we live. We will enrich lives, bring peace into our own, and further the work of salvation where we are. 
At work I spent a great deal of time working on presentations this week, gathering information, talking to experts, getting alignment, and revising often the messages that were in the presentations. I had to present it to our business unit president and that wasn't so good :). The material was fine, and actually was good insight, but he felt that we should not cover that and should have other more specific coverage on programs we are working on. So I am back to the work on Monday and have to revise the material for our presentation Tuesday for the board of directors which includes the  group president who reports directly to the CEO of Emerson worldwide. This will be a first for me. What a fun ride!  
The rest of the new job is going well, we extended an offer of employment to an MBA candidate who will finish school next spring. He spent the summer in an internship with us and we liked what we saw. So that is a nice thing. And I am about to make an offer for someone who will take my old role. At the same time we are rearranging all the responsibilities of all those in my organization to cover things anew. It's a challenging time for many. But fun to keep moving forward and working through hard things. 
Saturday was fun. I had a PPI with president Valencia and that was awesome. Therapeutic in its own way. Then a did an interview for the temple and following as a family we went to the helix innovation center open house. We had fun showing everyone the neat technology there and there was some experiment things that Ty, Alysia and Laura Tyre had fun with. We spent longer there than we expected but it was fun. Then I worked in the garage on a simple vent problem that turned into a challenge that was fun also. But it was a traditional Ohio summer day and I was dripping sweat from the humidity. But I got it working was happy for it. I also replaced the cabin air filter which was so gross!  It was black and full of gunk. So even though I didn't really notice it, I can now sleep better at night:)
The Lord's standards don't change. Of that I know. We may bend or break ourselves against them, but no matter what changes or what people try to think, the right way is always the right way. (Do I get some sort of English kudos for that?)
Love you all forever,
3 John 1:4

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Certainly not a dud

This week I really can't find anything amazing to share. But I know it was far from a dud.  It has been a wonderfully uplifting week. One with challenges and stress (yes, your dad used that word) but really a week to celebrate. 
At work I left too late every day. I have been working hard in two jobs trying to keep up and finding it is a challenge to do so. But in all my boss is still happy and just keeps reminding me to clear off what I can and focus on developing people and getting ready for major meetings. And I keep getting he,p from others to take small things that do add up to time that I can save for more important things. 
And for the record, while not needed and I'm happy wherever, I do like the window in my new office. I like seeing the outside and the light of life coming in. I have moved all the prior blind and am letting in all the light possible. 
Friday I stayed home and we had fun together. We hiked Charleston falls reserve in Tipp City where we have ever been. Not much falls this time of year but pretty area nonetheless. We also worked on things around the home (surprise!) and got a bunch off my list. Ty and Mom helped to paint the closet door trim in our bedroom so they see now brushed nickel instead of brass gold. It looks way better. 
Saturday we slept in and then I did some work to try and catch up which is a fallacy. I will never catch up. So I just need to balance what is done to do that which is most important. In the afternoon we had a great bike ride together on the little Miami trail. Ty has done it a number of times but it's really beautiful. Other than my seat hurting from not ever doing that, it was great. Ty and I went 15 miles and my legs we not too bad off. Just a sore hind end. Then we tried hot shots which was a cornbread waffle topped with bbq and Coleslaw. Unique for sure. It was good but not sure it's a keeper favorite. It was our family summer ending vacation days. 
Keep eternity in perspective as you make your decisions. It always leads to longer joy and peace of mind. 
Love you forever,
3 John 1:4

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Alignment of life

I have studied and taught a number of times in the past weeks about some interesting perspective on the doctrine of Christ and the steps of salvation.  
As a foundation I will layout the steps and doctrine side by side.
Gift of the Holy Ghost-------
---------------------------------------Character of Christ
Endure to the end-------------

So see if this makes sense.
As we begin to exercise faith in Christ, we learn to make and keep commitments.  Simple they may be to begin, but we start making and keeping them.
Then as we do that, we begin the process of repentance, which leads us to begin living the commandments outlined by the Savior.
As we live those commandments, we qualify ourselves to enter into our first covenant, being baptism.  
So here we are, we have exercised the first principles and the first ordinance of the doctrine of Christ.  And we have traveled the path of starting commitments, keeping the commandments, and entering covenants.
Then later we receive the gift of the holy ghost and start our journey of enduring to the end.  As we use that gift, and endure in faith, we then take upon ourselves the character of Christ.  This transforms us into better people, better mothers and fathers, and better saints.
So there you have it, in a nutshell.  The doctrine of Christ laid along the path in the work of salvation.  As you study and learn in, you can see it woven into nearly all principles of the gospel.
Today in the 3rd hour we all talked about the doctrine of the family and this is again woven in.  All that we do in this life is to travel that path, transforming ourselves and entering the ordinances required (all possible through the atonement of Christ) that help us to be mothers and fathers that help us be like our father in heaven, qualifying ourselves for eternal life.  Or life like God.

If you have not, take the chance to read Sis. Becks address on teaching the doctrine of the family.

This was another crazy week.  With my job changing so much it has been a whirlwind.  But when I have trusted in the Lord and the gospel as an anchor, it has meant calm in the soul.  Busy, yes.  New challenges, yes.  Uncomfortable times, yes.  But trust that all will work for our good and that I will still be able to deliver valuable service to the company and be trusted to continue on and help others.  In fact they asked me to manage a new high potential person that is hired by Emerson corporate because they like what I do in positive outlook, big thinking and supportive nature.  It is another load but also a vote of confidence.  I have to trust in Him to help me see how to accomplish all that is needed and to help others do the same.
Just like at church, the more time I spend building and developing others, the more gets accomplished.  If I tried to do it myself I would accomplish only so much.  But if I spend my time on others, more happens and more gets done.  Then I "get" more done with really "doing" less myself.  It's a glorious principle when you are able to get to management and leadership.  Even without a formal "manager" role, as you lead others in this way, things are better and more is done.

Saturday was fun.  We set out to replace the outside lights with all matching ones.  We have been mismatched and hand me down since we came to this house.  But we saved part of our tax refund and finally felt OK to spend that on this that we have been saving for since we moved in.  They look great.  Mom and Lys even did a ton of the removal and replace with the new.  They are pros at doing electrical work.  They learned so fast!
Ty and I were going to do a lot of it, but we also were doing a "simple" job on the brakes for Buzz.  Well, you know how that can go.  We spent a ton of time dealing with challenges.  A broken caliper bracket bolt (sheared the head right off), rotors frozen to the hubs, not knowing they were frozen and thinking they were one piece, etc.  We removed and replaced things we did not need to, but in the end, Ty found the clues, and with the help of the sledge hammer we separated them and replaced the rotors.  We had the hubs back on, got the brakes reset, and all is well.  A great learning exercise on hubs, spindle nuts, cotter pins, rust frozen rotors, broken bolt heads, lug studs, dust caps, press fits, and others.
When we finished we rushed to clean up and we all went to the temple to do baptisms.  Even mom did some!  It was wonderful.  Ty and I helped officiate int he confirmations and Ty was a witness for a few baptisms.
Then we went to dinner and were going to pick up Sam White from the Columbus airport.  But times were misunderstood, rides home for Ty and Alysia with the Bennett's (saw them at the temple as we left) were arranged, and mom and I had a wonderful time talking as we waited until Sam arrived, then drove back to Tyre to drop him off.  It has not been that late (1 AM) that I have arrived home in a long time.  I am not so sure I would recommend it.  But a wonderful day, especially with mom, Ty and Alysia.  We missed Kieren, Gavin and Skjelse/Jeff.  Some day!
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart.  It works.
Love you forever,
3 John 1:4

Sunday, July 24, 2016

He can do more

What a LOOOOOOOng week back. It's always hard to come back from many weeks gone and try to catch up. Along with other changes at work this proved to be a week to just hold on and not fall off. From Monday at 7 until Friday at 3:30 I had no break in meetings or chances to catch up. I used every "dull" moment to try and read email, follow up with others, etc. then Friday afternoon I was hyper productive and made good progress. Not all the way caught up but I hope this week will be good and I will get a handle on past weeks and new job responsibilities. 
Saturday we stand the pergola and it looks great. It's so nice to have that done and to feel that project is complete. Sure I want to make future improvements, but for now it feels good. 

After we had just finished the sister missionaries came to help so instead mom baked cream puffs with them to take to others. It was nice of them to volunteer to help. 
They had just returned from the temple with a new young adult that was baptized last week. She has many friends in the Ward from this year and last and just graduated this past school year. She has a great testimony and wanted to do everything she could. She even found her ancestors names to take to the temple with her. 
I lean red even stronger this week that when we turn over our lives to Christ, when we will truly accept to do what he asks, to serve in callings, to volunteer to serve others, to put gospel things first in our lives, then when we do that he makes much more of our lives than we ever could on our own. No matter what we try He is just steps ahead of us. He will provide what we need, as we act in faith he provides even what we want. And as we turn our priorities over to him we even get things or situations that we thought "wouldn't it be cool if" in our lives. And to make it even more evident, just because he can he even goes above that and provides things we haven't even thought of or considers. He just does more and more to overcompensate anything we try to give. 
It's been a really great week. I have thought of Gavin in his new place as there are timeshare units there. I just never really knew about the place. Kieren called and we had a good chat while she was on the way to the temple. And mom talked to Skjelse this week too. All in all a good week to be here on earth. 
Love you forever,
3 John 1:4

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Last week of vacation

I don't think I have ever driven 26 hours straight before. It was such an adventure!  It really was fun with Ty and Alysia and mom. And everything went well. We brought home around 300 lbs of meat and it made it OK. Some of it defrosted but much was still rock hard. Kinda gross but it made it. And now we have steak and roast to celebrate!
We cleaned up around the home when we got back, and I spent lots of time fixing cars and the. Ty and I went and bought the new riding mower. I think Ty had a fun time being the first to ride and mow with it. It looks way faster than the last one and it mows great. The mulching kit did its thing and all the clippings are not in clumps but are nicely feeding the lawn. 
I burned lots of calories this week too. Back in the heat and humidity of Ohio. I did a bulk of the work outside in the heat so it melted me. But I got all pretty well fixed or patched so I'm fairly pleased with what got done. 
I realized stronger this week how much the Lord looketh upon the heart. And you can't tell what is most important from any outward appearance. But when working within a calling or stewardship we can rely upon the spirit to help us see into the eternal heart of an individual and discern their status. I have prayed for years for the gift of discernment and now it is more easily employed. And as stated last conference, "our distance between us and the Lord is important, but even more vital is the direction we are facing."  That can often be seen by insight into our hearts. It is a delightful experience to see someone who is not perfect, but trying, and to see that their heart wants the eternally right things and they are working hard to follow that. 
Keep up with your own personal gospel study and meaningful personal prayers. 
Love you forever,
3 John 1:4 

Sunday, July 10, 2016


What a wonderful week I have had. I could get used to this not working but being with family thing. We left Ohio and got to Utah which I wrote of. But July 4th was really fun with family and events. Ty and Kieren did the Main Street mile in Hyrum. And we just hung out with family and had a wonderful time catching up with all of them. Then we came down to Kaysville and say Brigg and Michelle and kids. They are fun to be with. We them took an evening hike up to Adam's canyon falls. Ty and Mom and I did it and it was very nice up a small canyon to a great falls. We came out as it really was dark so we made it just in time. 

Lys went down with Kieren that morning and had fun at BYU while we were with Ty. 
The next morning started early for a great reason. Growing up in Ohio does not give one the opportunity to really experience mountains much. And Ty wanted to climb to a mountain peak before he left. So he and I left early and hiked up to Squaw Peak above Provo and the temple. It was really nice, a beautiful day and a great hike. We did not talk much because I would have puked too much. But what a view for a reward. 

And we finished with plenty of time. We cleaned up, had lunch, and then had a lifetime experience again dropping Ty at the MTC. I as so pleased with Ty and Gavin that you would fulfill your Priesthood duty and also make the choice to serve full time. It was a proud papa moment. 
On Friday Kieren, Lys, Mom and I went down to Zion's and had a great 2 day extravaganza. We stopped by the family of a sister serving in our Ward to drop off some heavy things since we were goi g right by. They were very nice and we enjoyed meeting them. 
We then spent the eve hiking Emerald pools and the Kayenta trail. We again left late and when we got back to the hotel it was late late. 

We decided to go to Alfredo's Mexican. And the other sign says Alberto's, so we really don't know which. But it was awesome. As authentic as we can find in America. We all loved it. And then crashed. We got up fairly early (not early enough) and hiked the narrows up to Wall Street and it was fantastic. We had so much fun in the river and everyone did so well. 
On the way home we saw the cutest thing on the back of a semi. See the pic. Hilarious. 

Today we went to our old Ward in Orem. Think of Alma 17 first few verses and how I feel about seeing so many that still are working out their own salvation. It was wonderful to see.  We also discovered that Caleb Andreason's mission president is our old stake president Bro. And Sis. Watson. Small world. 
I loved the lesson in priesthood as we studied the temple and the refuge it provides in our lives. Spiritual, physical, temporal, and emotional. The temple, the recommend, qualifying ourselves to be there, they all play a part in helping us find personal peace amongst the turmoil around us. 
I have so enjoyed seeing everyone, being with Kieren, dropping of Ty, and remembering just recently seeing Skjelse and Jeff. I am so happy Lys is still with us and gives me good hugs. And I am excited to see Gavin again soon. 
Gavin, Liam said tonight your. Is keeps asking when you are coming back. You must have made a great impression. They are so hoping you will come back and work there. Liam said you could start any time!
Love you all forever. 
3 John 1:4

Monday, July 4, 2016

Speeding Along

This week has been a whirlwind. Everyone has been everywhere. Skjelse and Jeff in Ohio, Gavin and Ty in Mexico, Kieren in Utah, Alysia in Tiffin (EFY), and I went to China. I got back Friday and we left a few hours later and drove to Utah. It's been wonderful and crazy. 
I got to finally ride the maglev train in Shanghai. I have been wanting to do that since I have been going there. It was fun, 300km/hr and my dad would have loved it. I especially liked the decelerating glass technology they use. It slows down the outside in visual perception so it does not make you sick. It was great. A usual hour to hour and a half drive took 8 minutes on the train. 

While I was in China I got more food art. I am amazed with what they do with food to make it as a decoration. Enjoy!

It was a fun 4th with family and to see the events around Hyrum. Good memories we all shared here. And we were surprised by Stuart and Shar showing up 5 minutes after we arrived. It was such a surprise. Totally unexpected but welcomed for sure. 

I have again grown this week in realizing that when we follow the prompting a we are given them things will turn out better than if we try to do our own thing. Time and again as we will stop, reflect, and ask we will get direction and can accomplish more than if we rely on ourselves. 
The sky and horizon was so beautiful as we drive across Wyoming and northern Utah. We live in a wonderful country. 
Remember those that are and have served on the frontiers of freedom so that we can enjoy what we now have. And do your part to protect what has made is a nation. 

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Wonderful Week

What a fun week. It was so nice due to many things and ways to think of each of you. Skjelse and Jeff came to visit and we had a great time in Father's Day and my birthday. They also came later and we had a great smore time on the patio and fire pit. Complete with Alysia made special marshmallows. 
Kieren called a few times and it is fun to hear her progress and plans. Including great news on grad school. 
Gavin and Ty being together has been such a fun thought. I hope you we working hard and bringing the spirit with you wherever you go. 
I had a wonderful Friday at home off from work. We did so many nice things to just be together. Of course I did odd jobs, mowed the lawn, put things away etc. but we also went to BD's with my birthday coupon and then to Greaters with my birthday coupon. So nice!  I love your mom!
Saturday morning was nice also hanging around as long as I could. Then off I went to China where I am now. I ended up being in a flight with another Emerson person who is here for a while, then off the Philippines. I let my mind wander to times when Ty will be there. 
As I studied conf talks for my Sunday (time changes made me essentially miss all of Sunday) I found some great things. I especially appreciated the talk on the temple and the power of godliness. 
"These powers become available personally to each one of us through the ordinances and the covenants of the temple."
John the revelator also saw this time and what we do. As quoted in the talk:
"In the book of Revelation we read:
“What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?
“… These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
“Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.”
Mom and I dream of the day when we will have 12 of us together in the temple. Sealed and bound for time and all eternity together. To enjoy the sweet communion that comes as a family thought eternity. The blessings and promises and covenants of the temple and the priesthood power there are worth any sacrifice to qualify ourselves to get there. 
Love you all forever. 
3 John 1:4

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Shall I falter or shall I finish?

So Pres. Monson has asked that question and it seems I have used that a number of times this week. At work, at church, in interviews. Just everywhere. He said in essence, "a fundamental question remains to be answered by each of us, shall I falter or shall I finish?"  And mostly it comes as Ty and I worked on the pergola Friday and Saturday.  At times I did not think we would finish. That we would run out of time with Ty's schedule. But we worked late on Friday and then stuck to it on Saturday. We even got a boost when Skjelse and Jeff showed up while we were on the top anchoring things in place. It was fun to see them and talk while we finished up top. 
But in the end we buckled down and got it all done. We are much faster on the end pieces than the first ones. And it think it turned out great. It was a blast to do with Ty as a pre-mission project. So we finished!  All we have to do after letting the treated wood dry is to stain it.  Mom will choose that color!

I had a multi day event at our innovation center at work and the best part was it is in Dayton by UD, so I was so close to home. There is a major shift in the regulations in the industry and we have to be ahead of that. It will come in another 7 years formally but work is beginning now with us and the manufacturers. It amazes me that industries have to be so far ahead to have products ready to meet the laws.  
Saturday Alysia, Ty and I did a 5K and a 5K/10mile bike events. It's my first official one and my knee feels it. Alysia did both and her hips feel it, and Ty wonders if anything happened, like he's just a machine. So nice to be young and have your body still at full speed. The 2nd one was for Easton who is severely handicapped. They were raising money to get a van with a wheelchair lift so his mom does not have to lift him in and out each time. And they met their goal!  It was a ton of community support, and well deserved. 
Thanks for the words and calls and visits for Father's Day. I am so proud to be a father and know that it is the most important eternal role. I could ask for no better spouse and kids. Please make the choices needed every day to qualify for eternal life. I want you all there with mom and I. With your spouses. (Jeff is #1!, 4 more to follow). 
That is what brings a father joy. 
Love you all forever. 
3 John 1:4

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Primary Song Learning

It was awesome at Ward council today. We were talking about various topics and the concept of reverence came up. After a bunch of comments and great insight it became clear that we all learned what we needed in primary songs. "Reverence is more than just quietly sitting."  It was great how everyone realized that and it all tied back to such basic principles that we learn through music in primary. 
Ty and I made some more progress on the arbor. We got all the top cross beams dadoed, and then the ends routed. The frustrating part was I had worked through all of them and was on the next to last board, the last end. I put the template on it and started routing it. Before I could realize it the template slipped and the bit went way too deep off track and it ruined the board. I was sooooo close!  It was disheartening. But Ty helped me pull out and we quickly dadoed the extra I had and then the next two ends went well. So we got them all up. Not anchored yet but up. Ty also used geometry and match to figure out how to put the right size and shape arc in some corner pieces and I cut out two samples that worked great. 

It was such a fun week to be in Indy for a meeting then go down to girls camp for Ward night. We talked about creation and how the scriptures remind us of God's creations and what we see brings those scriptures to mind. I used Helaman 5:12 building upon the Rock and my experience with hiking Prekestolen. Skjelse, you should know that well!  Then mom and I went back to stay my last night in the hotel, and the next day had a wonderful day date. We went to an imax, and went all over white river state park. Beautiful place and fun to be there. We went to breakfast at first watch and enjoyed that too. Then we ended the day at the Indy temple. It was wonderful.  So amazing with the light coming in the windows at sunset and just at the right time. It was so fun. 

I had a great Saturday morning also with a PPI with Pres. Valencia. He is great to openly discuss this with and get new ideas and help to work through challenging things. As we listen to others, and take action on things they help us with, we can get more accomplished than if we try to do it on our own accord. Try it!
This week has brought great joy, for many reasons. Keep it up. 
Love you forever,
3 John 1:4

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Single Most Important Skill

We had a wonderful bishops youth discussion tonight with just the priests and laurels. I asked the seniors to consider what is the most important skill they can take with them as they venture out on their own. So the first person had two, the next seven, and the next three!  Ty had just one with several sub parts of why it relates. "Doing laundry" was his item. It was funny but remarkable how he tied in so many things that do relate physically and spiritually. I never knew until tonight how vital laundry was!
I had a fantabulous sabbath. Morning meetings were good, church was awesome, had a great lesson with the priests where we had a powerful witness from one who just returned from a mini mission, and then had wonderful interviews that totally makes a bishop pleased. 
Ty and I have made progress on the arbor over the patio. We had prepped a bunch of the boards, I showed you before the concrete pillars we poured, and then we finished by doing the total layout assembly and bolt together. Then we had Lys and Mom help us erect it and then we tied the cross beams to hold it steady until we can finish more of the rafter parts. Then trim it out and stain it. It will be great. 

My car went wacko last weekend, so I ordered parts and then this week Ty and Lys helped me take off the intake manifold, replace the knock sensor, coil packs and spark plugs, then work it all back together. For about $120 in parts we completed about a $1200 job. Quite the work. And it runs great again. The main issue was a coil pack going bad. But when one goes, the others often go soon. 
Everyone is scattering this week. I am going to Indianapolis for meetings, mom and Lys to Indiana for girls camp, and Ty to Gatlinburg for high adventure. Crazy week but everyone will have fun. 
Love you all forever,
3 John 1:4

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Memorable Memorial Day

I just love getting extra time off of work to be at home. I took a couple days end of last week and then have tomorrow off for Memorial Day. It was nice to have time to do things around the house and have time to hang with mom to boot!  
It was a great week that started Tuesday as we went to the temple with Ty. It was extremely nice and we had a wonderful time. Then Wednesday mom, Lys and Ty came up to work to get a scholarship award and then we went to eat at the Senegalese restaurant. Very different flavor but very delicious. Thursday I mowed, sprayed weeds, other sundry things. On Saturday Ty and I worked to pour the concrete footings for the arbor we are building on the lower patio. We are excited to keep that going. We framed out the whole thing so it will be square when we build it up. 

Skjelse is also amidst a builder project. It's a wonderful thing to create. 
Saturday was also the graduation party for Ty. Along with 7 other graduating seniors. It was crazy busy but a wonderfully planned event (because mom led it!). We have so many meatballs left over. I think I will turn into a meatball. 
I was reflecting today about how related hymn #85 (How Firm a Foundation) is to Prekestolen in Norway. Especially verses 1, 3 & 7. We have to build on a sure foundation to enjoy the best in life. Tie in Helaman 5:12 and you have it.  Don't forget that Prekestolen overlooks Lysefjord. Or fjord of light!  That's for you Alysia!
Remember this week those that have gone on before you and left a legacy of faith. 
Love you forever,
3 John 1:4

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Reversal for Fortune

Note it is not a reversal OF fortune. I realized today a new understanding as I went through bishopric meeting. As a regular human weakness, and in a way we mistakenly think will make us happy, we seek to improve others and serve ourselves. But when you do a reversal we get fortune and find true lasting joy. This happens when we seek to improve ourselves and serve others. 
It is telling that both of these things bring about improvement in things we can control.  Things we can act upon. We cannot improve others no matter how much we complain, gripe, encourage etc. they have to want to change themselves. We can certainly support and help when Ray want to but often we frustrate ourselves in life when we try to change others instead of ourselves. This also turns our thoughts away from selfishness and towards wanting to be better that we can make lives better around us because of who we have become. And as we serve others, we get outside ourselves and seek to relieve some aspect of another's life. Whatever that may be. One great way is to service in our callings and to engage in temple and family history work. As we serve others our own problems diminish, our own cares melt away, our focus turns to bringing joy to others and as we do, joy comes to us. The more we give away the more we get. It's an eternal truth. 
So yet again we are blessed in ways we never expect, never really "need", and completely out of the blue. One of the evenings this week I got a call from Home Depot. I thought it strange but told Alysia to answer as she was close to the phone. They asked for Dan or Val Smith. So Lys gives me the phone and the man indicates an anonymous donor has left a gift card for us to buy a new mower. No other words, just a plea to come get it soon. So I did later that night in bewilderment as to why this would be. It is enough to get a new mower to replace our gem Ty found in the garbage at citywide cleanup 3 years ago. And has been serving us well but has been giving us real issues this year. I think I had it figured out as a bad carburetor float but now it is not getting fixed. 

We listed it in Craigslist and it was gone in 15 mins. I hope it can serve someone well. We get blessed for doing right by God with all our hearts and minds, and being pleased with what we have at all times. 
I had a new MBA intern start this week that is undergrad from BYU. He and his wife and baby came to dinner today and it was nice to meet them. It was fun to talk to them and find out more about them. I think mom had fun taking care of the baby a lot. She was cute. 
I have been way busy at work with new kinds of things. New meaning the usual I have done is now being done by other planners and I am spending more time on longer range things and building the right organization to support the regular projects we have. It is always a new challenge and helps me be better. But it sure keeps me hopping. 
I challenged all the youth tonight to read The Living Christ and I extend that same to you. It's only one page but if you do it with real intent, it will touch you about those who testify of Christ and especially of he whom they testify of. 
Love you forever,
3 John 1:4

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Family Reunion

It was so nice to have a virtual family reunion today. Thanks to everyone especially Gavin for making time to talk with us. It made mom's day so great. Do all you can to serve her. She wants you to have eternal joy more than anything else. 
We had a great weekend. Friday I was able to leave work a couple hours early and we went to Austin's wedding reception and helped set up, serve, stock food etc. a long night but great evening. 
Saturday we spent trying to make the yard nice for mom. It's what she wanted. Unfortunately the riding mower decided it did not want to cooperate and I can't figure it out. It's just fuel delivery but I am lost. And I have no truck to deliver it to a guy who can fix it. So I am thinking through how to do that. Later in the morning a family just called up and said we are coming over, put is to work for an hour. It was so nice. We got done almost the day's work in that time. Tons of lawn, weeding, honeysuckle harvest etc. it was such a blessing. Then we finished up other things and mom and I drove around a bit while I extended callings etc. we changed recently the YM, Elders quorum, primary, RS counselor, Ward clerk and executive secretary, and others. It's been crazy. But it's all in a good days work!
Sunday was a very special Mother's Day. The talks were great and highlighted the eternally significant role of women and mothers. Mom and Lys helped get together a nice gift for all and people seemed to like it. A couple of great quotes, small chocolate, and a set of heart shaped measuring spoons with little quotes engraved on them. 
I only had a few interviews so I got to be home a lot with mom. That makes my day. We fixed her dinner and Lys made rolls for her. They were great. 
Mom and I are teaching the temple prep class for 3 people with calls or waiting for it in the mail. It's an exciting time. It's also nice to reflect on the temple and the remarkable experience it is. With knowledge, learning, blessings, insights, etc from that wonderful place. Go often and qualify yourself always. It is sooooo worth it. 
I had a nice experience at work this week. We had a major program review I was in charge of. We had to present the findings to the president and his executive staff. As always I asked for help I prayer as we prepared and pulled everything together. That went well and smooth, good discussions that helped the business. But the real nice thing was two fold. First we approached this different from other groups and I was a bit nervous in that. But in the beginning we explained what we were doing and the president et just came back with "so you are doing this the right way?"  Which made me pleased. Then later during a discussion he paid me a compliment that he didn't intend, and no one realizes it was, but for me it was a huge compliment far above any work type reward I could get. It was a tough discussion, and he brought up an idea to float around. It would have been very painful and difficult and so I breathed heavy a great sigh. He just looked at me with surprise and said basically, for you I think that was a cuss word. You don't ever cuss. To me that was a compliment that everyone realizes I would never do that and yet I don't overtly proclaim it. I just try to do what's right. It made me happy. 
Love you all forever. Thanks for making us a family. Please do what is required to stay together forever. 
3 John 1:4

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Tired feels like this

I know I have been tired all my life since repo days, but today I am soooo tired. It's another wonderful but long day of great things. I taught the priests quorum lesson, or more aptly led the discussion that the priests were wonderful in sharing scriptures that had affected their lives. 
Saturday was another busy day. I got up early and dug holes in preparation of getting a bunch of hostas to plant. The. I woke up Lys and we went over to Andrus's and split off their hostas. We didn't get beyond the front of their house but we filled the back of the mountaineer stuffed and we filled the hillside and then put others in the forest. I think it looks great!

By evening Ty was being a wonderful big brother and took his little sister to bed!  So cute. 

After Ty got home he helped us plant the hostas. Then after a few minutes break Ty and I went to a house and tore out a bathroom. In preparation of a complete remodel we will help do. It took a couple hours and we had to wait for new shut off valves since the old connection had no shutoff. Crazy builders. Who would do that!  
Finally we got home, Ty slept and we got ready to have the Sisters over for dinner. We were just starting when they said they will be late, but soon they arrived and we ate tons. We got all filled when Owen called and said he would come over for dinner. Augh!  We just ate. But we wanted him to come so we cleaned up, removed evidence, restocked, and then ate again when Owen came. So we had a two for one dinner!
The week at work has been tough. Many things, not enough time. I keep trying to do my best to get as much done as I can. Some things I have to just realize are good, but not most important. So they fall off the get it done lost. I did have to work a $135,000 negotiation to pay some old invoices that had never been sent. And our finance team bought in easier than I thought. So with my homework and help from above, that one gets closed. It has been a challenge for the past 5 months. 
I continue to be in awe of those that exhibit great faith and trust the Lord. One is a great family that accepted a new call from one they had been enjoying. But with faith they are embracing it full on. And another is a new convert of just a handful of months. She is called into the relief society presidency but is excited and embracing things she doesn't fully understand but has faith to move forward. 
We can all trust in the Lord with all our heart and just press forward. We can. 
Love you forever,
3 John 1:4

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Learning from unexpected places

So through a series of events I had this brought to my attention this week. So let's start with the quote. It is from Elder Andersons talk from this conference. 

When my wife, Kathy, and I were in Africa a few weeks ago, we visited Mbuji-Mayi, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Because the chapel was not large enough for the 2,000 members, we met out of doors under large plastic coverings supported by bamboo poles. As the meeting began, we could see dozens of children watching us, clinging to the bars on the outside of the wrought-iron fence that surrounded the property. Kathy quietly whispered, “Neil, do you think that you might want to invite the children to come in?” I approached District President Kalonji at the podium and asked him if he would welcome the children outside the fence to come join us inside.

It is interesting how much I learned from this, that was not related to his talk at all. So I learned a few things, or at least reinforced things I have known. 
1. Notice how it was his wife who reviewed this revelation and not the apostle sitting there. That regardless of calling all can participate equally and everyone has something to contribute. 
2. All activity is best handled through the proper use of keys. She did not invite them in, but she gave counsel to the one holding keys and let them act upon it. 
3. It is so wise to listen to the counsel you receive. Many have input that they are genuinely interesting in providing to make things better. And you are not so cool that others cannot have really great ideas that can make you better too. 

All these are things I would not have pulled from this story if I had not been reviewing conference talks and also counseling with others who shared this and started me down a path of pondering. 

I had a great week. I was in China and had productive meetings and time spent. I wish I could beam myself back and forth, but at least it was useful time there. Most days I went until around 9 or 10 PM. Then back at it around 7:00 the next morning. One day we did not leave the office until 9:30 then had a further discussion around diner until about 11:30. I am so sleep deprived :). I had an aggressive agenda and we did many of the items, but we also missed about 1/3 of them that we just ran out of time. For that late dinner we went to a less than fancy, but still great restaurant. A nice change for me and much more comfortable for me. It was a Chinese hot pot style you can see in the picture. You cook the food right there in the broth of your choosing. I spent my time in the highest level spicy pot. It was great. 

My return trip took over 36 hours from office to home. It was grueling. But I wanted to get home earlier rather than spend another day there. Everything went according to plan except the final flight had three mechanical issues so we spent an extra hour plus in the plane until we could leave. 
I learned how to tally counts in Chinese. I showed those at home but in the picture you can see the way they tally. It goes from 1 to 5 and they would do that over and over as needed. Interesting how different it is from how we make our 4 marks the. A crossover for the fifth. 

You can just enjoy Lys crazy hair!

Love you forever,
3 John 1:4