Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Power Of Personal Revelation

I was speaking in Springboro this week.  I had the topic of missionary work (which is awesome) and had written the missionaries form that ward.  It was really great as I shared 5 principles that all of us can use to be better in our lives, and with each I used a story or principle as taught by the letters I got form the Springboro missionaries (and you Gavin, I used some of your letters too!)
Well, as I listened to the other talks, they both focused on the atonement and while they were speaking, I had a flood of thoughts that opened my understanding more about the atonement.  Now you will see its a decent analogy, but for me it went deeper.  You know how when you REALLY learn by the spirit and it is spirit speaking to spirit?!
So here are my thoughts, as I hastily wrote them down trying to capture what i had been taught.

The master carpenter goes around building bridges. Amazing bridges. In fact many would post these on Instagram, or pin them to their wall they are so epic.

​ Whether it spans a small creek, or even just a dip in the terrain of a beautiful garden, or up to a vast canyon. In fact he completes a feat of engineering impossible to man's understanding. And this bridge makes the road seamless. It as if the canyon is not even there. Except for the unimaginable vistas that we view with awe as we travel along. All the time forgetting that we are crossing that deep canyon that before we thought uncrossable. And I the Lord remember them no more. I love to build and create things. I remember the exacting details of what I did, and always can look back with personal pride in what the finished work accomplished. After such masterful craftsmanship, and such a level of work we cannot comprehend, it is a wonder that He remembers that no more.In fact we can burn the bridge but by His amazing craftsmanship it is built again before we realize what is done. We look back and see the bridge we burned, but under the cover of flames he is rebuilding. Just like trick Candles that cannot go out. We cannot destroy what he is able to build. In fact His bridge is straight and narrow. How much easier can it be!In fact he builds the bridge in our life before we even know the canyon is there.  When we get to the canyon we can choose to cross the bridge or take the long and difficult path down the canyon.  Struggling along the way, slipping and falling, and in general making it much harder than it needs to be. But, even if we do choose to go down the canyon and we later get stuck, He is the rescue crew, always at the ready, with tools to extract us from even the most precarious settings. Even a hovering helicopter with rescue basket if needed. And he brings us back up to the bridge that was always there, always ready for us. And look at the view!  It is glorious. And the sunrise is better than ever. And yet the only thing that changed is our position, our view, our outlook. He, His bridge, and His creations didn't change.

As i talked with Mom about what I had learned, she thought of these two poems that I immediately likened to this concept.  The first referenced in a talk by Pres. Monson, and the 2nd we learned about from John Bytheway.

Will Allen Dromgoole “The Bridge Builder.”            
An old man, going a lone highway,            
Came at the evening, cold and gray,            
To a chasm, vast and deep and wide,            
Through which was flowing a sullen tide.            
The old man crossed in the twilight dim;            
The sullen stream had no fears for him;            
But he turned when safe on the other side            
And built a bridge to span the tide.                    

“Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim near,            
“You are wasting strength with building here;            
Your journey will end with the ending day;            
You never again must pass this way;            
You have crossed the chasm, deep and wide--            
Why build you the bridge at the eventide?”            
The builder lifted his old gray head:            
“Good friend, in the path I have come,” he said,                      
“There followeth after me today            
A youth whose feet must pass this way.            
This chasm that has been naught to me            
To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be.            
He, too, must cross in the twilight dim;            
Good friend, I am building the bridge for him.”

Joseph Malins
'Twas a dangerous cliff, as they freely confessed,
Though to walk near its crest was so pleasant;
But over its terrible edge there had slipped
A duke, and full many a peasant.
The people said something would have to be done,
But their projects did not at all tally.
Some said "Put a fence 'round the edge of the cliff,"
Some, "An ambulance down in the valley."
The lament of the crowd was profound and was loud,
As their tears overflowed with their pity;
But the cry for the ambulance carried the day
As it spread through the neighboring city.
A collection was made, to accumulate aid,
And the dwellers in highway and alley
Gave dollars and cents--not to furnish a fence--
But an ambulance down in the valley.
"For the cliff is all right if you're careful," they said;
"And, if folks ever slip and are dropping,
It isn't the slipping that hurts them so much
As the shock down below--when they're stopping."
So for years (we have heard), as these mishaps occurred
Quick forth would the rescuers sally,
To pick up the victims who fell from the cliff,
With the ambulance down in the valley.
Said one, in a plea, "It's a marvel to me
That you'd give so much greater attention
To repairing results than to curing the cause;
You had much better aim at prevention.
For the mischief, of course, should be stopped at its source;
Come, neighbors and friends, let us rally.
It is far better sense to rely on a fence
Than an ambulance down in the valley."
"He is wrong in his head," the majority said,
"He would end all our earnest endeavor.
He's a man who would shirk this responsible work,
But we will support it forever.
Aren't we picking up all, jut as fast as they fall,
And giving them care liberally?
A superfluous fence is of no consequence
If the ambulance works in the valley."
But a sensible few, who are practical too,
Will not bear with such nonsense much longer;
They believe that prevention is better than cure,
And their party will soon be much stronger.
Encourage them then, with your purse, voice and pen,
And while other philanthropists dally,
They will scorn all pretense and put up a stout fence
On the cliff that hangs over the valley.
Better guide well the young, than reclaim them when old,
For the voice of true wisdom is calling,
"To rescue the fallen is good, but 'tis best
To prevent other people from falling."
Better close up the source of temptation and crime
Than deliver from dungeon or galley
Better put a strong fence 'round the top of the cliff
Than an ambulance down in the valley.
So that is a lot to read this week so I won't go on much more.  Just contemplate where you stand.  This is a glorious life.  Its wonderful to be here with you.  So enjoy the vista as you cross any bridges in your life.  
Love you forever, Dad
3 John 1:4

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Small World

There is a new ward mission leader in Springboro. I have been trying to line up schedules with him for a number of weeks. We have not connected but today was their ward conference so we finally connected. It was great to see his enthusiasm and energy for the work of salvation. He is doing so many things I hardly had to train him on anything. He is already on the mark. He really has already #embark ed in the work there.  During our conversation it turned to where he served his mission because he saw my flag pin. So drum roll.........he says "southern Brazil."  So of course I have to ask more. And he says "Porto Alegre,.......South!"  Amazing small world. So Kieren, when you are home he really wants to get with you. Maybe we could have his family over. He named a few places in excitement but none seemed familiar from where you have been but who knows!
And Gavin, so many people today at church in Springboro asked about you and how you are doing. I told them how happy you were and how much you love all the interesting foods!  Kaitlin Carlisle gave her farewell talk also as she is heading out this week. And I heard of 3 other YW in just the last 24 hrs that have started their papers. It's amazing. 
As I have been pondering my talk this coming week I had two amazing experiences this week. Both times I heard things and immediately I was told to write them down, that they were given to me specifically for the talk. Very specifically. One was a radio story about a man who faced his fears and overcame challenges. He used something he coined "rejection therapy" and the other was a specific thing that Kaitlin said in her talk. Both of them help us see how we need to be better and sharing the light we have with others in normal and natural ways. So others can find the lasting peace that comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ. 
I have two stories as well from my two favorite missionaries!  Both of you have unknowingly shared experiences that fit so well. I even wrote to some missionaries serving from the Ward I will speak in and they shared experiences also. I hope it will make it personal for all the members there. 
I have a week long training this coming week with homework and tests each day. I didn't know of the tests when I got signed up!  This is week one of four during the year. It also includes a capstone project I have to complete for work. So this is like a graduate capstone seminar. It is all about lean. The effort to remove waste and make some effort, process, or product better and smarter for all. My charter is about training and removing confusion in our new product process for tons of users. Not just one group but many functional groups. It is intended to reduce time, expenses during the process, and our speed of bringing new things to market. I am doing it with a director of engineering in another group. He and I have been discussing similar things the past while so we are combining our efforts. 
Gavin, I love the belt you sent Ty. It's way cool. 
We got to see Skjelse and Jeff Friday. It was wonderful to hear about their holidays and travels. Ty was at a late night science Olympiad and Lys was at the temple. So we just ate dinner and then chatted for the evening. It was nice!  Then Saturday was Lys birthday and also just happened to be the stake dance. So it was her first. Guess who caught her for her very first dance?  ME!  It was so nice. I can't believe she is 14 already. 
I love your letters, texts and visits. Thanks for being my kids forever. I hope we can all do what is required to be able to cling to the covenants we have made and be together forever. 
3 John 1:4

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Sabbath

This week brings again a witness that the commitment I have made to avoid work on the sabbath is the right thing. And that when you put the Lord first all other things will be put in their right place or go away in our lives. (Pres. Benson)  I have a major negotiation ongoing with a group of decisions that will affect me at work for many years to come. We have a big conference call tomorrow AM to go over the last parts and they have been the points of contention all along the way. We had prepared a proposal but needed a couple of Vice Presidents to review it and agree. This was supposed to be by Friday afternoon. But one did. It, then said they would do it late Friday. On Saturday it still was not done. So I could not send it off but needed to so we could try to resolve it tomorrow. I had to explain to the VP (my boss) that if needed I would get up at 12 and rework the material but I do not work on the sabbath. It showed me again that the right things are understood by others and they will support righteous choices. When she got that she understood "120%" and offered to do the work since she had delayed. So I don't have to work the sabbath but still am able to get the material we need to move ahead. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart........
I also believe I am seeing more of the evidence from a quote from Elder Zwick he gave at the BYUI commencement. "Obedience brings blessings, but exact obedience brings miracles."  Live your life in such a way, especially Kieren and Gavin right now, that you can expect miracles and trust they will come your way. With the pressures of business and the expectations that are pushed on everyday at work, I believe it's a Miracle that I am trusted, allowed to set my own limits, hold to my family and sacred time, and still be put in positions of trust, confidence, support, and in line for promotions and increased responsibilities (that are reasonable, I don't want too much so I can still have a family and church life). I am truly blessed. 
I got the rest of the fireplace mantel installed. Mom is really happy and I like it a lot. 

On Saturday I worked again on the stands for the patio table. After I had worked a couple of hours mom said again she only wanted one leg. I am not so sure of the stability, and could only think of ways that would cost us, but after brainstorming and trying a few things, look at what we came up with!  All natural, near free, and I think it is pretty cool. Just lots of carving with a chainsaw and the sawzall. 

I still have to finish the tile around the actual wood stove, I forgot that is not done. I have the tile cut but am working a way to install it so I can still remove it later. 

I have loved your letters, pictures, and all from each of you. 
Love you forever,
3 John 1:4

Sunday, January 4, 2015

No Rest For The Weary

This was supposed to be a nice big break, but as you know me it didn't quite turn out that way.  I spent nearly the whole week doing the fireplace and connected projects.  What started out as a simple replace the mantle has blossomed.  But it's looking good and almost done.

​​​This is a before and during.  Maybe I will remember to show the final when I get it all done with touch ups.

We cut out one of the bricks and then drilled the block behind it so we could run power and other AV cords behind the TV.  So now they are hidden and the AV cables run from there to where the old grill was.  So everything looks cleaner.  Mom likes it.  That was a challenge in and of itself.  It took nearly a day to get all that done.  The funniest part was when we were drilling through the old grill hood and Ty actually crawled inside the grill area, sat down, and worked.  It looked so weird to see him folded up like that.
Then I have been cutting, patching, sanding etc. everything so it looks like one piece of giant wood when it really is lots of pieces and trims.  Of course i ran out of crown for the last 59" and had to go to Lowe's to get more.  And surprise, they don't carry that same style any longer.  I ended up getting some MDF instead of pine and the overall dimension was very close, so it will work for now.  It was just frustrating.  That is why I always buy the job, plus anticipated jobs, plus some spare for projects.  So you have what you need and it matches.
Last night I was thinking about new year's resolutions.  Never been a big fan as I set goals all year long.  But as I thought about it I realized I had spent the last 3-4 weeks really updating our financial plan both for our budget for 2015, and all the way through to retirement.  We had to revise our health care situation and plan differently due to new health care laws.  I also have tried to set up new goals for the stake missionary work as well.  And my dentist says my gums are in danger zone so I better start flossing so I have done that better also.  I call it a good set of goals even if it is not all tied to new years.
I am speaking in Springboro later this month and sent an email to all the missionaries serving from there.  I am trying to gather thoughts from them to make it personal on Elder Ballard's talk and a specific quote.  If you have any stories I would love to have them!

Brothers and sisters, fear will be replaced with faith and confidence when members and the full-time missionaries kneel in prayer and ask the Lord to bless them with missionary opportunities. Then, we must demonstrate our faith and watch for opportunities to introduce the gospel of Jesus Christ to our Heavenly Father’s children, and surely those opportunities will come. These opportunities will never require a forced or a contrived response. They will flow as a natural result of our love for our brothers and sisters. Just be positive, and those whom you speak with will feel your love. They will never forget that feeling, though the timing may not be right for them to embrace the gospel. That too may change in the future when their circumstances change.

Kieren, did you firm up the date?

Gavin, around here the missionaries can go to the temple more frequently if they take a new convert to do baptisms for their own family names.  That is a goal on the new member record as well.  Is that the same for you?  I don't know how widespread that is yet.

Love you all forever.
3 John 1:4