Sunday, August 28, 2016

Have I done any good in the world today?

We have been singing that this week and it makes you reflect on what you do each day. Are we helping some one in need?  Have we cheered up the sad?  
It has been an interesting weekend. Today when I got home I learned that Pete, our next door neighbor. Passed away this morning. Audrey is very sad. He was so fun to know and amazing to watch. I feel for her and the difficulty she is dealing with. I hope we always can have charity for those in hard times. 
Saturday was also interesting. We went to the baptism of a new convert. She is in a wheelchair and has little to no use of the left side of her body. She has loved the message of the doctrine of Christ and has changed her life to prepare. I was blessed to perform the baptism and it was a challenge but a great experience. And today we confirmed her in church and it started off a remarkable sacrament meeting. It really was a great day. We take much for granted about what we know about the great plan of happiness and yet it is treasured by those who learn of it now. 
After the baptism we took a sister back to the assisted living place and helped her get back in. We found that the facility was not addressing the problem in her bathroom where there are plumbing leaks above and the ceiling, light fixture etc had fallen down. Mom and I fixed the light, picked up all the ceiling tiles, and mom washed and dried all the towels she had on the floor to catch all the dripping water. But the place still had no one coming to fix the issue. It's a sad state. But we did what we could and she was so appreciative. It's amazing that she also is illiterate and yet tried to write mom and I a note today to say thanks. She gave us a picture colored by her from a Disney child's coloring book. 
Please realize how blessed you are to have what you do. Give thanks to God for the knowledge, learning, bodies, and health we have. We really do have so much. 
We have another sister missionary going home this week from our Ward. As the finish up here I keep trying to help them focus on finishing well and giving full proof of their ministry. So we will have a shared sister for a week until formal transfers. 
Work continues to be a real challenge. There is so much going on, and so little time to do it all. I did get the new manager in place so transitions will begin soon. That will help. It's amazing how the coaching and leadership at work are so intertwined in the ways that the bishop guides. I work with people to help them rise to their best, and by so doing, accomplish more that if I tried to do it on my own. And I also try not to own their problems, but to help them work through the issues so they can emerge stronger than before. In both places it's about helping people become more, not just do. It's so nice to be able to learn in both circumstances and then use that in each place as I work each day of the week. 
The more I live the more I see the patterns that last, those that really affect lives, are wrapped in the great gospel plan. I hope you see that in your life. 
Love your forever, really. 
3 John 1:4

So the lady we helped with her bathroom took the time to share a thank you with us. Please be grateful for the education gift you have all been given. This was a lot of work for her. 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Always good to be found

No matter what we do or go through, we always find good in what is around us. 
At work there has been so much that has been challenging, including some very pointed statements that were down on our work, but among that also was some good found of excitement for some of the amazing things we are doing and that we actually really did what the customer was looking for. Good among the hard. 
During today's discussions we also had some very deep and challenging questions that people are searching for answers but not finding them at this time. But among the hard there were amazing insights of learning that further the understanding we have of gospel principles that help us understand eternity. And since I have found answers to my questions of many years, my understanding of that question not only got answered, but since then it has expanded so immensely that it goes well beyond my imagination that I had when I was pondering my question. 
It brings to mind Isaiah 55. My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. When put into eternal context, His plan always exceeds what we could think of in our finite mind. It's embarrassing really (Kieren, that's for you!). 
It really has been a great week. I worked on cleaning and washing and waxing the cars with Ty, and they look great. We also had to fix a lug stud and nut on Buzz that was not in the plan, but turned out to be not too bad. It has been such a great car. We looked it up and found we have had it for almost 5 years now and it has been a great car. What a blessing. 
The best part about yesterday was just being able to sit around with mom and do next to nothing. Seemingly a waste, but it was cherished time for me. She is worth it all. 
Love you forever,
3 John 1:4

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Through a handful of experiences I have had recently had I have come to see even more vividly the fact that love comes from God, and anything we are enticed to do that is good comes from God also. It's a clear way to tell if we have the light of Christ acting in our life if we extend love, feel love, and want the best for others around us. Holding any malice, ill will, bad feelings or anger does no good and certainly comes from satan and not from God. In our lives if we seek to cultivate Christlike attributes we will align so well that peace, joy, happiness, success, and goodness will emanate from us and lead us to be more influential to others around us and improve the society in which we live. We will enrich lives, bring peace into our own, and further the work of salvation where we are. 
At work I spent a great deal of time working on presentations this week, gathering information, talking to experts, getting alignment, and revising often the messages that were in the presentations. I had to present it to our business unit president and that wasn't so good :). The material was fine, and actually was good insight, but he felt that we should not cover that and should have other more specific coverage on programs we are working on. So I am back to the work on Monday and have to revise the material for our presentation Tuesday for the board of directors which includes the  group president who reports directly to the CEO of Emerson worldwide. This will be a first for me. What a fun ride!  
The rest of the new job is going well, we extended an offer of employment to an MBA candidate who will finish school next spring. He spent the summer in an internship with us and we liked what we saw. So that is a nice thing. And I am about to make an offer for someone who will take my old role. At the same time we are rearranging all the responsibilities of all those in my organization to cover things anew. It's a challenging time for many. But fun to keep moving forward and working through hard things. 
Saturday was fun. I had a PPI with president Valencia and that was awesome. Therapeutic in its own way. Then a did an interview for the temple and following as a family we went to the helix innovation center open house. We had fun showing everyone the neat technology there and there was some experiment things that Ty, Alysia and Laura Tyre had fun with. We spent longer there than we expected but it was fun. Then I worked in the garage on a simple vent problem that turned into a challenge that was fun also. But it was a traditional Ohio summer day and I was dripping sweat from the humidity. But I got it working was happy for it. I also replaced the cabin air filter which was so gross!  It was black and full of gunk. So even though I didn't really notice it, I can now sleep better at night:)
The Lord's standards don't change. Of that I know. We may bend or break ourselves against them, but no matter what changes or what people try to think, the right way is always the right way. (Do I get some sort of English kudos for that?)
Love you all forever,
3 John 1:4

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Certainly not a dud

This week I really can't find anything amazing to share. But I know it was far from a dud.  It has been a wonderfully uplifting week. One with challenges and stress (yes, your dad used that word) but really a week to celebrate. 
At work I left too late every day. I have been working hard in two jobs trying to keep up and finding it is a challenge to do so. But in all my boss is still happy and just keeps reminding me to clear off what I can and focus on developing people and getting ready for major meetings. And I keep getting he,p from others to take small things that do add up to time that I can save for more important things. 
And for the record, while not needed and I'm happy wherever, I do like the window in my new office. I like seeing the outside and the light of life coming in. I have moved all the prior blind and am letting in all the light possible. 
Friday I stayed home and we had fun together. We hiked Charleston falls reserve in Tipp City where we have ever been. Not much falls this time of year but pretty area nonetheless. We also worked on things around the home (surprise!) and got a bunch off my list. Ty and Mom helped to paint the closet door trim in our bedroom so they see now brushed nickel instead of brass gold. It looks way better. 
Saturday we slept in and then I did some work to try and catch up which is a fallacy. I will never catch up. So I just need to balance what is done to do that which is most important. In the afternoon we had a great bike ride together on the little Miami trail. Ty has done it a number of times but it's really beautiful. Other than my seat hurting from not ever doing that, it was great. Ty and I went 15 miles and my legs we not too bad off. Just a sore hind end. Then we tried hot shots which was a cornbread waffle topped with bbq and Coleslaw. Unique for sure. It was good but not sure it's a keeper favorite. It was our family summer ending vacation days. 
Keep eternity in perspective as you make your decisions. It always leads to longer joy and peace of mind. 
Love you forever,
3 John 1:4