Sunday, February 23, 2014

Temple and New Era

I was reading the New Era this afternoon and pondering on our family.  The first article was on preparing to enter the temple.  It was fantastic.  I learned things that I never understood before.  It also connected some dots for me in my own personal study.  It is wonderful to me to see how such a simple thing (a youth magazine) can help me to learn deeper and gain a better understanding of something I love so much already.  I forever have in my heart and mind the promises in the covenants and how much I rely upon those.  

It also was very interesting because both mam and I have been working with Gavin to prepare for the temple, and to ensure he is spiritually ready.  He is doing so great and working hard for the decade of decision.  This article is great for him also.  If you get a chance, read it.  But you have to take enough time to really ponder the details of what it is teaching.

I really am grateful that mom and I qualify ourselves to enter the temple every day.  It is a blessing not to be missed.  And I continue to learn and understand even after going for so many years.  I will continue to learn and understand deeper for many years to come.  Maybe someday there will be a temple in Norway and that will be the final genesis to actually get me back.  I loved watching Norway in the Olympics.  Yesterday I think was the last day and I watched the women take gold, silver, bronze in the 30km mass start.  By a huge margin.  Norway ended up getting the 2nd most golds and third most medals overall.  Even though they are such a small country.  Russia finished first in both which is not a surprise as the home country always does well.

We had our ward conference today, great talks on angels being all around us, and then Bishop talked about conversion, he did a great job.  It made me think of a quote about Knowing that the gospel is true is the essence of a testimony. Consistently being true to the gospel is the essence of conversion. (Bednar)   I whispered that to Ty and then bishop used it 5 minutes later.  Good man! :)  President Valencia then finished up with further thoughts about conversion and testimony.  It was a really good meeting to help me renew my commitment to do what is right.

This week after we fed the missionaries I went with them to go on visits.  We went to a ladies home (Lisa) who has a daughter at CHS.  The daughter knows many of the LDS kids and Gavin has her in his English class.  It was a really good discussion, she is a good person trying to do what is right.  They read regularly, pray as a family daily, and she has so many core values that are based in truth.  I tried hard to invite her to church but she is committed this week.  Maybe a future week.  She would be so happy with the gospel full truth to add to what she has.

We also had a great conversation during gospel principles and then in high priests group.  Both of them had investigators in the class and they made multiple comments that really added to the discussion and also gave me a chance to clarify truth and use scripture, modern prophets, and personal experiences to teach and testify.  It was just a great day.

Last night we went and volunteered at ICCA at CHS.  There are amazing voices out there in the world.  I think the forte high school group is as good as they were last night though.  I was the timer, so I had to track total time (they had 12 min limit) and then give them 3 minute and 1 minute warnings.  So I and mom sat on the front row, center seats.  But then I had to leave to help score tally during forte's performance so I missed that.  Mom said they did amazing.  Brandon Critchfield did one of the solos (he is a phenom) and Hailey did another.  It was a late night but fun to be with mom.

I also finished the shelves in the laundry area so it is almost totally done.  I custom made some solid surface (like Corian) shelves to go in between the cabinets up high.  Just some tough up and I am done.

I spent some time in the afternoon (it was mid 60's yesterday, now it will be around single digits at night, new cold spell,brrrrr) pulling up more honeysuckle.  We don't have too much left but enough to give me my spring workouts.  Strength training, flexibility like yoga, endurance (since I just keep going) and all.  It works good but I won't be sad to be done.  It does look a lot better.


Love you, Dad

3 John 1:4

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Example of Integrity

Yesterday I spent the morning and afternoon helping at the family history jamboree. It turned out well as it usually does.  All the missionaries were a great help and we did it very quickly.  

After that I helped mom at the dance and it really was a great one.  Good kids all around.  And many came from all around, including Kentucky and Indiana.  Not the bi-stake spread they expected.

As I was spending the afternoon, (remarkably not on a project) I was trying to catch up on some Olympics.  I saw a spot on the American skeleton athlete who had finally won a medal.  I knew we didn't get medals in that.  So I watched and was impressed on how she conducted herself at the interviews after the race.  I watched one more and just thought how she "had" to be a member.  I looked it up and sure enough.  She is.  I then watched some more clips and interviews.  I was impressed that she has worked 12 years to get an Olympic medal and at the pinnacle of her career, did two things that I think show remarkable integrity.  First, she wore around her neck during interviews as well as actual competition her YW medallion complete with honor bee.  It was very clear to see and worn without apology.  In front of millions..  Second as she was so excited, and thanking those that supported her, her parting comment was "to all you youth out there, remember who you are and what you stand for."  I was pretty impressed that someone at that high point would even think of that.  

She is a mother of two, and trains in between diapers and pre-school.  She missed a medal in 2010 by one tenth of a second.

It is nice to see someone who can succeed so highly, yet remain so true to the gospel and testimony.  I would hope many of us can do so in our lives, work hard in this world, but always remain true to what we know of God's great plan of happiness.

Your mom is such an example.  She does so much good and works so hard to do what is right.  We are all blessed to have her. (especially me!).  

You are doing so well and I am proud to have you as my daughter.  You have and are making great choices, and I hope they continue to bless your life.

Love you,


3 John 1:4

Monday, February 10, 2014

I'm a mormon

The fireside went awesome.  There were tons of people there, Lots of non-members wanting to understand more of who we are and what we believe.  The people in the church that did their own profile sketch did a wonderful job.  I learned much about them in just a short time because they were willing to share.  And after many had questions and spent almost another hour discussing and asking questions.

I spent part of Sunday in a meeting with the zone leaders, the mission president, and President Valencia.  It really is a wonderful time to learn together, share ideas, and share the progress in the work of salvation.  It is amazing to me how much the work is moving forward at an accelerated pace.  There are so many people who are looking for the truth and are recognizing it in the teaching of the church.  It truly is the Church of Jesus Christ.  Many even recognize it but are not ready to make the commitment, but are working towards that goal.

I took Gavin to the airport after sacrament meeting so he could fly to Utah.  He is checking our BYU and BYUI.  He is having a hard time deciding where to go.  But regardless of where, he is still working on preparation to serve a full time mission.  It is interesting to watch him and his decisions change as he grows.  He has good examples ahead of him to show him the way!

I made great progress on the washroom this week.  The countertop edge and grout are all done, the sink is in.  When i hooked up the plumbing in all its convoluted way since it is a custom installation, I even got it to work first time with no leaks to follow up on.  It is great.

It is looking really good, we just have the shelves left to put in and then that project is done.  My body is getting tired of all the work.  Getting old has it's drawbacks as well as its benefits.

Gavin and I, and at a different time Ty and I were talking about the subtle but significant blessings that come from paying a full tithe.  From financial, to spiritual, to physical.  All around we can see blessing that directly relate.  It is always a privilege to remain a full tithe payer.  So many things we have been blessed with come as a result of that.  Gavin and Ty continue to have people both in and out of the church come to them to get work done on their homes.  It is a blessing that they can have such good work where they earn for their mission funds.  They both are so close to having enough.  It is a great sacrifice that they will be blessed from forever.

They are going to do a backsplash in tile and replace a kitchen floor next, we just have to find time to get it done.

Work hard in all things, and experience the peace that comes from doing your honest best.

Love you,

3 John 1:4

Sunday, February 2, 2014

One Page Plan Of Happiness

In our leadership session of stake conference, Elder Christofferson challenged us to write our own one page plan of salvation.  To ponder and study and write our plan description, limited to one page.

In High Priests group today we ended up discussing this and sharing thoughts and ideas.  One of my favorite is that I always love to title it "The great plan of happiness".  Because there is a plan, and he gave it to us to make us happy.  Eternally.

Realize that all day everyday I make PowerPoint slides to communicate information on projects, issues etc at work.  So when they talk of a one page "report" I think in slides.  So mine is more of a bullet point slide that summarizes what I think is most important to me.  This likely changes over time but currently this is my summary:

  • The Great Plan Of Happiness
  • God is MY father
  • Christ is MY Savior
  • The Holy Ghost is MY friend
  • My family is mine forever because of covenants I made with God
  • I am a child of God
  • Everyone that has been or will be on earth can be with God if they choose the Saviors way
  • Adam and Eve made a remarkable choice that blesses me through their sacrifice
It was a great discussion and interesting to have so many comments about what people see as critical.  It is nice to be part of a quorum of fantastic men.

I got an off hand compliment at work this week.  I was in training the end of the week for "situational leadership" which is really changing your style and method of leading to fit the task or situation of a person (not the person itself, for example you may not need much direction if you were to cook a pizza, but if you were to do a chemical compatibility analysis for RoHS compliance you might need more specific direction).  Anyway, since I was at this class, I missed a major review with the president and all the VPs that we do every other month.  So I had the new planner who reports to me cover the meeting and all the preparation for it.  He did a great job, and is actually very skilled, smart and a great asset.  When I cam back late the afternoon of the class end, I went to my boss to get her feedback on how the meeting was, and how Craig (the planner) did.  

As she was describing the prep work and time spent with Craig going over the message, she said, I had to really dig in and understand all these topics I normally don't have to.  It was really good to get caught up but usually I know you are working them so there is only maybe one thing you want me to be aware of.  So she really feels like I have a handle on the programs and keep her informed at the right level.  That she trusts what I do and doesn't check up on it.  That is nice to have the trust.  I work hard to never violate or misuse that trust.  And to keep building it.  It makes for a much nicer work day, and for a much better peace of conscience.

I have attached in process pics of the laundry area of the boys room.  The edging for the countertop still needs to be mounted, and we have to grout.  The other pic is the sink.  We undermounted it to tile, not a usual thing, so we had to be creative.  We used glass tile as a surround, and made that the inside edge.  You can see that Ty and I had quite the time cutting those tile shapes around the sink (we still have it lined with plastic as a protection while we work on it).  Ty really has quite the gift.  He and Gavin are such helps.  They know so much and can work so hard.

Ty and Gavin have almost saved enough to pay for their missions.  Quite the awesome job they have done.  And people keep calling them to do work, like tile backsplashes and such.  Their work is beautiful.

Work hard, study hard, pray hard.  Love you.

3 John 1:4