Sunday, January 26, 2014

Middletown Work Of Salvation

I got to visit Middletown ward today and speak.  The topic was "The thing of most worth" and I felt that this included the work of salvation.  There are 5 parts.  Member missionary work, convert retention, reaching out to those less active, temple and family history work, and gospel teaching.

I touched on each one a bit and shared some stories or things that would help them to consider their own life.  Like I asked them to think of a gospel teacher show had influenced their life.  Then paused for a long time in talk world, maybe 5-10 seconds to give them time to think.  Then had them think of why they had influenced their life.  And I proposed it was not flashy teaching, not deep doctrine, not fringe topics, but it was because they taught as the Savior taught.  They taught BY the spirit, not behind, not in front of, by by the spirit.  Meaning they worked with the spirit to help others really learn.

Remember how I always asked you what did you LEARN today?  I really was trying my best to help you consider what you had let sink deep into your heart that day.

I also looked forward to the next time I talk, I skip February but March I do again.  And the topic is another one that is so closely aligned with the work of salvation I think I will use much of the same stories etc.  I actually had only about 9 minutes to talk when they tell me to plan for 20 + so I just dropped a bunch out of each one and shrunk it.  Accordion playing should be a new skill of mine!  I spoke with 2 of the sister missionaries and they both went about 15 minutes (they said they had only 2-3 minutes each, but I knew better) and the meeting started almost 15 minutes late.

Mom is drawing/sketching everyone tonight.  It is really fun.  We played taboo boys against girls.  Boys rock!

It is getting so cold again now.  -19 predicted tomorrow night.  I am glad we have the wood stove.  We have had it going constant for the last few weeks.  I have had to clean out ashes when it is still burning hot so we could have room for more wood.  I feel like I should get a tan from it because it is so hot and it takes me a while to get them all when I am trying to avoid the reddest of coals.  But we all love the super warm air.  Saturday I got up and took all the snow off our driveway and then went and did Pete's.  I think it really helps them since he really cannot do things like that anymore.  2 weeks ago I did it Sunday morning after a big storm, and they were so grateful.  They didn't think they would be able to get out for church and because of us doing their driveway, they could.

Mom and I also spent Saturday morning getting wood from the stack and bringing it to the back patio.  I made 10 loads, 9 wheelbarrow and one in my arms.  The stack is now as tall as my shoulder and hopefully will last a few weeks.

If you have not recently, read your patriarchal blessing.  Brother Carter was called into the temple presidency and so was made a non-functioning patriarch today.  They are never released because it is an office, not a calling.  Brother Scott (former stake presidency) was called and ordained as the new patriarch.

Pray hard in your life, accept the promptings that come and qualify yourself to receive those often.  Then act on them.  It will always turn out in the end.

Love you tons, and I pray for you daily.

3 John 1:4

Sunday, January 19, 2014

In His own time and in His own way

I have spent this past month and a half pondering on the topic for my Jan talk, "the thing of most worth" from D&C.  I have considered on this every week, lots on Sundays, and many other times during the time.  I begin to get a bit worried when I have considered the topic so much, but I still feel unsettled and don't have a good plan for the talk.  Even this weekend I spent at the barn campout with Gavin and Ty and as I settled into bed I read some things and tried to formulate a plan.  Notta.  I have gathered lots of good ideas, lots of quotes or personal experiences that support it, but no overall plan to make it work.

So this morning I try again and really consider on all the things I have been pondering.  And many of them I really like and felt very inspired to use, just no plan of how to get them all into a cohesive whole.  I went to church and continued on the thoughts but no plan.  I came home, napped (yeah) for a short while, and then got it out again since I really need to have the plan today since I speak next week and usually have little if no time during the week with work, other meetings at home, volunteer stuff for scouts or such.  I started thinking again and poof, I had one thought, started with that, and the rest just started falling into place.  He really helped me put together something I am very settled with and can tie in to many important principles that I need to share.

So even when we try hard, we still have to continue to trust in Him and in His own way, and in His own time, He will answer.  I really feel blessed at how much I am taken care of.  

I got to renew my temple recommend today.  It was very nice to have such confidence in my responses and know I am worthy to enter, learn, and improve myself.

Our scripture this week has been Romans 13:12-13 and we all really like the phrase "armor of light."  Give it a read!  It is also fun because the pen mom used was running out of ink, so as it goes along, it fades.  And as the scripture goes along, it talks about putting of darkness and putting on the armor of light.  So the ink gets lighter.  Simple mind, simple pleasure!

The campout was very nice to be at.  Reasonable food, very cold weather but a fire indoors to help keep it not too cold, great time to discuss with Gavin and Ty the Duty to God program and how they are doing, plans they have, and how they are trying to be better men.  Later they had a contest to build structure to protect eggs as they dropped them from the balcony.  1 foot of duct tape, straws, toothpicks, a plastic bag, and 2 spoons (straws and toothpicks of a certain limited number, but I did not count).  Three eggs out of about 20 did not splat, and you can guess that Gavin and Ty did not splat.  They even did it over and over and it survived.  Kind of a parachute structure with springy spoon and straw legs to cushion the landing.  Worked really well.  Everyone had 15 minutes to work it then they had to stop.

I had tons of key meetings this last week, so all week was crazy working to get the right material, the right answers, the right alignment between groups, so in the meetings we could have unified message.  They all went quite well and I am glad that is over.  I hope to be able to work through a lot of miscellaneous smaller things this week and feel like I am back in control.  We will see.

The washroom goes well, I got a door of sorts on the water heater so it closes it off to the room and makes it look less like a utility area.  I also added some shelves on top of it so Mom can store wash things, TP and paper towels etc. in bulk.  As you know we don't have much storage so this will be nice.  I still have to laminate the shelves but it is close.  I am really close to paint, and then the counter top to finish it all off.  

I helped the White boys get started on their Citizenship in the community merit badge.  I have not done that one for a long time.  We discussed a number of things and they have assignments to go to a city council or school board meeting, interview a government person on a issue etc.  They are all good learning things.

I am also getting things ready for a fireside in Feb. that will focus on "I'm a mormon" theme.  I am getting local people to do the I'm a mormon shorts, will use a few from the web, and then finish with a couple of doctrine based mormon messages and discussion on them.  All in an effort to help the community know who we are and what we believe.  I think many will see we have much in common with many in our community.  We are getting the word out through the wards, the youth programs (they are using this as a Bishops youth discussion for the three wards in our building) and through the interfaith council in the Dayton area.  So others can understand more of who we are.

Love you forever, work hard, study hard, pray hard.

3 John 1:4


Monday, January 13, 2014

Personal Revelation Week

We watched the CES fireside last night with Dane Landon, an investigator, with the sisters.  I really liked how Elder Callister built up the "blue print" of Christ's original church and what it needs to contain to be the same organization. Then with New Testament scriptures showed all those items, and linked it to what we have today.  There are so many good people, and so much good in many churches, we just want to take the portions they have of truth, and help add to what they have.  To bring it fully in line with Christ's original.

I also went to the stake mission correlation meeting yesterday.  It is very insightful to discuss the work with the full time mission leaders and the stake president.  It was nice to also receive personal revelation as to what I should be doing and to be able to make notes so I can follow that prompting.  That will help me do a better job in magnifying my calling in my area of influence.

On Saturday we went to the temple early in the AM with the youth for baptisms.  It of course was so peaceful and wonderful, but again I had personal revelation about the authority vs. the power of the priesthood, and how the power comes through righteous living and can be present in any home, regardless of the circumstance/make up of that home. Singles, widowed, fatherless, traditional.  And that power can be both upon the parents and upon their posterity.  It is a remarkable thing to call upon the powers of God to bless and influence the lives of those we love.

Later I spent time working on the wash room cabinets etc.  I spent 3 hours aligning a door so it would be straight, plumb, and close properly.  It was frustrating.  It should have been about 30 minutes.  But Lysi helped me amazingly, I was "inside" the cabinet so I could work on the hinge mounting, and she was outside, checking alignment, giving me dimensions it was out of alignment and how, and ensuring the door stayed in place while I worked various mounting until we got it.  

I love you forever, you are wonderful.  It is great to ponder on your day and consider what you might be doing while I go about my activities.  I think of you often.

3 John 1:4

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Week of Wonder

This was a fantastic week.  While I was sink nearly all the week, I still had a great time and we had wonderful events.  Skjelse's wedding was a very nice couple of days.  Well planned and done by all.  The reception was very nice and the wedding breakfast etc. was just really nice.  We really appreciated them not having alcohol at all and it made a big impression on us.  

The wedding ceremony was nice but empty in my heart.  But it is still a great beginning for them.  Your words of advice to your parents were not only timely, but truly an answer to additional prayers.  Your insight was welcomed and I am so proud that you have the spirit so close that you can receive revelation to share with us.  We re-wrote the Preach My Gospel portion you referred to and substituted parents and children for missionaries and investigators.  It was very soothing.  Thank you for all you are and are becoming.  We know that the covenants we have made will one day be in force and we just need to maintain faith and keep the door to our home and our hearts open.

It was really nice as well as fun to have Mckay and family here, and Dave and Carol and family.  We had a wonderful time for all events including new years eve.  We laughed a lot, played the draw then write a sentence "telephone" game and had a riot.  Then everyone went outside and banged pots and pans in true Smith fashion.  

On new years day and the next I helped Gavin and Ty put in a tile back splash for a family in the ward.  I donated my time so they could earn for their mission funds.  It looks so good.  They both a talents in doing very high quality work.  Then they went on a camp out to caves in Kentucky and Mom, Lysi and I went to Heather and Darrin's and we started putting in their kitchen tile floor.  I "made" Darrin stay up until 11:30 at night to get more done, which should be of no surprise to you.  I just believe in getting the job done.  Then Saturday we laid more, dry fit around their island so we could adjust for any issues, and when we left, he had nearly 80% of the floor laid.  It looked really good.  My back does not like that work, but it does recover.  The miracle of the body is truly a gift from God.  It heals itself in most forms and is just amazing.

I really felt the comfort of the spirit this week.  From direct answers to prayers, to friends providing support, to family giving advice and peace, to children teaching me the ways of the spirit, it has been all around me.  The more I look, the more I see His hand in my life.  To more I put Him first, the happier I get, the more life comes into true focus and the joy I have is a lasting one, that continues from day to day, week to week, and year to year.  Even until eternity because I know what the plan is, and how it all ends.  It is a peace that truly only He can give.

Love you forever.

3 John 1:4
