Sunday, March 20, 2016

Week of Wonders

This has been a remarkable week. Really remarkable. 
First I have, yet again, increased my love for your mom. What would I do without her?  She is a pillar to me and I lean on her so much. She is irreplaceable. 
Next, I was privileged to give temple recommend interviews to a member of the temple presidency and the assistant matron. That won't happen again I my life!  
Then I had the most amazing day of training and inspiration imaginable. 
Last I had a wonderful Sabbath and found it yet again to be a delight. 

So today was wonderful. I have great councilor a who operate so close to the spirit. Bringing up difficult things and helping us work through them. Then church was really cool, great speakers and that is saying a lot when one of them makes Ty grin from ear to ear for a loooong time. It was fun!  Then. Had really meaningful interviews with many members for all sorts of reasons and it is a pleasure to work with them. Lives can change for the better when we just believe. And give Him a chance to work in our lives. Then tonight we had a great BYD where the youth shared all they learned from the special youth meeting the night before. They have great comments, great notes, and great attitudes. 

Yesterday was a day to learn and be tutored. I went from morning to night with a bit of break. I left at 8:45 and went to Cincinnati to attend a leadership conference. It was led by Elder Anderson of the quorum of the twelve apostles, and had Elder Gong from the presidency of the Seventy, Bishop Waddell of the presiding bishopric, and Elder Sinclair our area authority. Now add to that 2 mission presidents, and 3 temple presidents. Wow!  And I got tutored for 4 hours, then a break, then we went back for a special youth meeting in the evening. 
I have so much I learned and felt. It's just too much to write. If you want more let me know and I can send more notes. I appreciated the learning in my mind and heart of seeing the unseen. In the sense of the gift of discernment to see the unseen things people are not talking about in interviews. To discern the heart. In general we heard of passing the log of the gospel to the next generation, sabbath day observance, the law of the fast, and working in councils and quorums. You have had letters from me before on that last one!
We had about 30 youth from the Ward that went down to the youth meeting, and Ty invited a friend from science Olympiad to go with him which was such a great missionary success!

With that busy day, I got little else done this weekend. Mom and I did go down and help tear out a large entry and close of tile with the air chisel and compressor. It was messy, loud, and went nicely and quick for what it was. But we got it all out for them and it was so quick compared to doing it by hand. Go destroy something tomorrow (that is appropriate). It's great therapy!

I did finish the brake job on Max, well Ty did anyway, while I watched. He did great and we fixed it right up. Now we have done the entire car brakes. 

Use the atonement daily, it brings personal power. Remember the power of the infimate atonement. The more far reaching the effect, the more personal the impact. 

Love you forever, 
3 John 1:4

Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Temple and the Atonement

What a fantastic sabbath today. It was Ward conference and I loved it. Early early day with daylight savings, but worth it. I got up at 5:30 and finished at 9PM. But a delightful day. Sacrament meeting was just myself and president Valencia speaking. I talked about the connection between the temple and the Atonement and he talked about sabbath day observance and the Atonement. 
I have learned much more about the atonement and the role of it from the learning in the temple than anywhere else. You use the atonement to qualify for the temple, and when you are in the temple you learn to use the atonement. It's a cycle. 
I also shared thoughts about both the redemptive side of the atonement which brings us back to whole, and the enabling side of the atonement which is for all of us to move us forward, to help us become what He wants us to be and knows we can be. 
I also shared the concept of the infimate atonement. It is both infinite and intimate. The more far reaching the effect, the more personal the impact. It is a wonderful doctrine that can really bring it home to in personally if we let it into our hearts. 
Then tonight we had our first ever OSYD. Optional Sunday youth discussion. I had just the priests and laurels and we had round table discussions. We reviewed a few of the questions from the recent face to face for YSA. I figured since they are there soon, it would be good. We had a great time, wonderful comments and insight, and good feedback that they want it more often. It was valuable to them. 
We had a really wonderful sacrament too. The priests did a remarkable job of bringing the spirit with that covenant prayer. 
Saturday mom and I went to the temple and, wow, is it awesome. I still find so many things to know, learn, understand, and discover. Mom helped me too in thinking about how God deals with us, and how we can deal with others. We picked up some family file names we had left before, along with the ones we completed ourselves. 
Right before we left for the temple, we had the missionaries and zone leaders over for a bishops vision meeting. We go through the results of last month, and then they get direction of what we need in the Ward to focus on. We really see that as they increase lessons taught with members present, they got more to sacrament meeting, better progress, and have more members will I to go out. As we finished that, we had lunch which the marvelous mom had prepared. Then when we ate, they wanted to hear our engagement  story. Mom tells it sooooo good. But we only got part way before time ran out!  
I was frantic as I tried to fix the front brakes on the car. Ty had one car at the school while he was at science Olympiad regional competition. (He did very well and team took first overall as well, state here  they come). The mountaineer takes so much gas I didn't want to drive all the way to the temple. But I had the car apart doing the front, and of course it has to have issues. One one side the caliper pin was rusted in a locked position, so the. Rakes would not work right. After beating on it, and working it with PB Blaster, I finally got it out.  It took like 20 mins just for that one pin. I had to run and get a new set of pins so it will slide correctly. I finally get it back together and start on the other side. I get it apart and then it's time to come in for the missionary meeting. I try to compress the caliper and guess what, it's frozen, locked in place. I sprayed it and went in. I called to get the part (not like I wanted to spend the money but.....) but no one has it in stock, and it would take 3-4 days to get it. Sigh!  So I do the meeting and eat. The. I run out while mom is finishing the story and surprise, the PB Blaster has loosened it enough that I can get the caliper to move a little. Not perfect but it begins to free up. Solved problem number two. Then on this side both caliper pins are rusted and going nowhere. I had to beat on this one even more. I put it in the vise to try and break it loose. Of course I finally did, but it was a pain. But replace the pins, and it's magic how it all works right now. I would have had to pay a fortune to get that done. But the parts were not much at all. I am so grateful to my dad for helping me learn so much. 
Make sure you believe inside yourself each day that it is a fantastic day. Then make it that way. 
Love you forever,
3 John 1:4

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Counseling in councils part 2

It still continues!  I am amazed at work, home and church how working with, and seeking counsel from, others brings a much better result. At work I have a few issues that have never been crossed before, and I have been working with many to find the right forward. As I keep working things begin to clear up and we get a better overall result. I never would have come up with the whole on my own. 
And at church it's amazing how talking through and over things brings out new insights, clarity of the situation, and a better resolved feeling to move forward. Always seek the counsel of trusted people to help you along the way. They are invaluable. 
I had a great day, good meetings, good alignment with others on moving things forward, good spirit present, and great lessons along the way. I got to sustain new presidencies in Deacons and Laurels, award a faith in God in primary, give the lesson (short as it may have been) in priests quorum, set apart people, have great interviews with remarkable people including a returning prospective elder that has such a great family and is ready to work towards the temple, and then off to bishopric break the fast, youth family history hour (29 youth attended today, new record) and then home to watch over a sick missionary while her companion goes out with a sister in the Ward. Whew. What a day. 
I have studied a great deal about grace and the atonement this week. Really a remarkable thing to understand and to further strengthen our knowledge that we are never beyond His reach, regardless. I have read many talks, and some many times. Try reading Elder Bednars talk "bear up their burdens with ease" and recall the truck, the wood, and how "it was the load". 
Saturday we did not accomplish much on our own, but did take Lys to dance instruction with 5 friends and then visited Heather and Darrin while waiting for her. Fun time but Heather is really sick, so remember her. But I had a great day with mom and that was all worth it. 
I have been keeping the fire going a lot this week. I love the warmth it brings but it is getting warmer next week. So I think that is coming to a seasonal end. 
I got an assignment from the primary and found it to be remarkably difficult. It was to select 12 favorite scriptures. Have you ever tried that?  I thought I will pull a few then dig deep and thumb through to find 12. After I brainstormed a few I counted and I had 15. How am I supposed to limit it to 12?  Painful!  So, take my 15 and enjoy a special study session. I would love to hear your favorites. 
Love you forever, 
3 John 1:4

Helaman 5:12
Moses 1:39
JSH 1:17
Gen 1:26-27
Joshua 24:15
Proverbs 3:5-6
2 Tim 4:7
Mal 4:5-6
Matt 28:19
Luke 24:5-6
D&C 82:10
Alma 53:20
2 Ne 31:20
D&C 25:12
3 John 1:4